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Fashion Z’ers of the Environment

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

Sustainability has always been an important aspect to consider within our everyday choices, but now it’s more prioritized than ever. It hasn't been the most significant task on our to-do list throughout the pandemic, but Gen Z is prioritizing it regardless. According to a recent study, Gen Z Shoppers Demand Sustainable Retail, most Generation Z shoppers prefer to buy sustainable brands. Most are even willing to spend 10 percent more on sustainable products. The report also found that Generation Z, along with Millennials, is the most likely to make purchase decisions based on values and principles, such as personal, social, or environmental.

The Gen Z population takes increasing steps to further sustainability efforts and knows that the bare minimum of sustainable acts isn’t enough; we must take action on what matters before it’s too late. Since Millennials have lost their previous lead on sustainability and purpose, the responsibility has been passed on; younger generations have taken the initiative to pave the way towards a more sustainable future. Although specific topics can divide the Millennial and Gen Z population, this is where an alignment has evolved. For example, in Corporate Social Responsibility, up to 87 percent of millennials and a staggering 94 percent of Gen Z expect companies to address pressing social and environmental issues. Compared to older generations, the Millennials and Gen Z’ers are determined to implement those changes because younger generations are more likely to feel ashamed about unhealthy living lifestyles and don’t meet their environmental standards.

Sustainability comes into play, especially when discussing “fast fashion.” Fast fashion is the quick and cheap production of clothing, which is harmful to the environment and exploits garment workers. Forever 21 and Shein are a couple of well-known brands that Gen Z’ers have deemed unsustainable due to labor laws and their effects on the garment industry. Gen Z consumers who are aware of the actual cost of fast fashion, and want to combat it, embrace more sustainable consumption behaviors. Although older generations didn’t prioritize this type of sustainability, the Gen Z population keeps up with more than just TikTok dance trends, they initiate and support trends that yield positive social and environmental changes. With the power of social media, it’s become more accessible than ever to talk about essential topics, especially urgent news about our ecosystem.

The fact that most of each generation uses some sort of digital media outlet provides a significant opportunity to create an impact. What makes an act sustainable is the official statement by the National Environment Policy Act of 1969. “It’s to create and maintain conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.” Users now are going a step further and supporting small businesses that align with sustainable values. So let’s work to take sustainability to the next level and create a better environment in the future.

Some other future sustainability acts to keep an eye out for in 2022 are:

  • ESG Investments

  • Renewable Power Increase

  • Reduction in Carbon Emissions

  • More Green Products

  • Mass Production of Electric Vehicles

To move into a greener state of mind, these are brand recommendations to follow:

  • Patagonia

  • Mavi Jeans

  • Reformation

  • West Elm

  • Our Place

  • The Little Market

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